致力于相变传热机理和应用研究,尤其关注相变传热体系中的流体输运与传热强化,并以传热和流体的实验测量、数值模拟、理论建模和表界面先进制造为研究手段,开展以传热学、流体力学、界面物理化学等为基础的学科交叉研究。截至2024年10月,在Nature Communications、ACS Nano、Nature Energy等期刊上发表论文70余篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文20余篇;研究成果被引用2500余次,H-index为28。以副主编身份参编新能源(储能科学与工程)战略性新兴领域“十四五”高等教育系列教材1部。相关研究被大篇幅收录到知名物理学讲义Lecture Notes in Physics、被Nature评为Best Scientific Images,并为“华龙一号”反应堆安全壳热量导出系统提供了设计依据。
担任中国工程热物理学会热管专业组青年委员、Society of Engineering Science 2024国际年会分会场主席、Fundamental Research(国家自然科学基金委主办英文期刊)青年编委、工程科学学报(中国高校百强期刊)青年编委。担任Nature Physics、Nature Communications、ACS Nano等30余种国际期刊审稿人。主持国家级项目2项、共同主持香港科研项目2项,参与美国自然科学基金、美国能源部项目等7项。
l ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiao-Yan-15
l ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9948-3468
l Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Rg51Hp8AAAAJ&hl=zh-CN
l ylzzcom永利总站线路检测工程热物理研究所:https://ietp.cqu.edu.cn/szll/yxjsgrzy.htm
l ylzzcom永利总站线路检测教师网页:https://faculty.cqu.edu.cn/yanxiao/zh_CN/index.htm
l 专题报导:“Xiao is a very talented researcher and a great leader”: “Exchange student-turned-postdoc boasts productive year in published research,” 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校机械系, 2019。
l 微液滴研究媒体报导(Forbes, Mashable, Scientific American)。
l 《自然》最美科学摄影 “September’s best science images,” 2020。
l 微液滴研究成果获Nikon Small World in Motion Global Competition一等奖(全球每年仅一项):“MechSE researchers win global Nikon video competition”, 2020。
l 冷凝微液滴弹射研究成果,被Wiley期刊《Droplet》采纳为创刊宣传视频之一,2022。
2023/11--至今 ylzzcom永利总站线路检测 ylzzcom永利总站线路检测 教授
2021/11-2023/10 香港科技大学 机械与航空工程学院 博士后
2019/01-2021/11 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 机械科学与工程学院 博士后
(合作导师:Nenad Miljkovic教授、Nancy Sottos教授/院士)
2013/09-2019/01 清华大学 核能与新能源技术研究院 核科学与技术专业 工学博士
2016/11-2018/06 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 机械科学与工程学院 联合培养博士
(导师:Nenad Miljkovic教授)
2009/09-2013/06 哈尔滨工程大学 核科学与技术学院 核工程与核技术专业 工学学士
l 汽-液-固相变过程与传热强化机理
l 面向能源领域节能增效的功能界面
l 智能热管理器件与蒸发-冷凝耦合系统
l 反应堆热工水力
l 面向的新一代电力电子器件的智能热控技术
l 面向能源与环境的高效控温、除湿、防冰等节能增效技术
l 先进热流体多维信息一体化测量技术
l 面向先进能源系统(如核能)的非能动冷却技术
1. 国家高层次人才青年项目(海外),汽液相变传热,2023-2025,200万人民币
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,微液滴冷凝传热,2025-2027,30万人民币
3. ylzzcom永利总站线路检测科研启动基金,2023-2027,200万人民币
4. 香港科技大学,Sustainable humidity control for buildings, 2022-2023,共同主持,80万港币
5. 香港地铁公司,Heat exchangers for enhanced dehumidification,2022-2023,共同主持,100万港币
6. 美国军方ARMY,Interfacial adhesion strength measured by laser spallation,2020-2021,主要参与
7. 美国科学基金,Nucleation characteristics of condensation on nano-engineered surfaces,2016-2021,参与
8. 美国科学基金,Engineering research center for power optimization for electro-thermal systems,2021,参与
9. 英国石油BP,Condensation of low-surface-tension fluids, 2017-2019, 参与
10. 国家自然科学基金,事故条件下压水反应堆安全壳内壁面冷凝特性研究,2013-2015,参与
1. Wuchen Fu, Xiao Yan, Yashraj Gurumukhi, Vivek S. Garimella, William P. King, Nenad Miljkovic.* (2022). High power and energy density dynamic phase change materials using pressure-enhanced close contact melting. Nature Energy, 7(3), 270-280. (影响因子: 56.7)(WOS高被引)
2. Xiao Yan#*, Samuel Au#, Sui Cheong Chan, Ying Lung Chan, Ngai Chun Leung, Wa Yat Wu, Dixon Sin, Guanlei Zhao, Casper Ho Yin Chung, Mei Mei, Yinchuang Yang, Huihe Qiu, Shuhuai Yao* (2024) Unraveling the Role of Vaporization Momentum in Self-Jumping Dynamics of Freezing Supercooled Droplets at Reduced Pressures. Nature Communications. 15, 1567. (自然指数期刊,影响因子: 16).
3. Fuqiang Chu, Shuxin Li, Canjun Zhao, Yanhui Feng*, Yukai Lin, Xiaomin Wu*, Xiao Yan*, Nenad Miljkovic*. (2024). Interfacial ice sprouting during salty water droplet freezing. Nature communications, 15(1), 2249. (自然指数期刊,影响因子: 16).
4. Xiao Yan*, Bingqiang Ji, Lezhou Feng, Xiong Wang, Daolong Yang, Kazi Fazle Rabbi, Qi Peng, Muhammad Jahidul Hoque, Puhang Jin, Elizabeth Bello, Soumyadip Sett, Marianne Alleyne, Donald M Cropek, Nenad Miljkovic* (2022) Particle-droplet Coalescence and Self-transport on Superhydrophobic Surfaces. ACS Nano. 16(8), 12910-12921 (自然指数期刊,影响因子: 17.1).
5. Xiao Yan#*, Feipeng Chen#, Chongyan Zhao, Xiong Wang, Longnan Li, Siavash Khodakarami, Kazi Fazle Rabbi, Jiaqi Li, Muhammad Jahidul Hoque, Feng Chen, Jie Feng, Nenad Miljkovic* (2022) Micro-Scale Confinement and Wetting Contrast Enable Enhanced and Tunable Condensation. ACS Nano, 16(6), 9510–9522. (自然指数期刊,影响因子: 17.1)
6. Xiao Yan, Yimeng Qin, Feipeng Chen, Guanlei Zhao, Soumyadip Sett, Muhammad Jahidul Hoque, Kazi Fazle Rabbi, Xueqian Zhang, Zi Wang, Longnan Li, Feng Chen, Jie Feng, Nenad Miljkovic* (2020) Laplace pressure driven single droplet jumping on structured surfaces. ACS Nano. 14(10), 12796-12809. (自然指数期刊,影响因子: 17.1)(被Wiley期刊Droplet采纳为创刊宣传视频之一)
7. Xiao Yan, Feng Chen*, Soumyadip Sett, Shreyas Chavan, Hang Li, Lezhou Feng, Longnan Li, Fulong Zhao, Chongyan Zhao, Zhiyong Huang, Nenad Miljkovic* (2019). Hierarchical condensation. ACS Nano, 13(7), 8169-8184. (自然指数期刊,影响因子: 17.1)(获美国华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校Damena Agonafer教授公开评价)
8. Xiao Yan*, Zhiyong Huang, Soumyadip Sett, Junho Oh, Hyeongyun Cha, Longnan Li, Lezhou Feng, Yifan Wu, Chongyan Zhao, Daniel Orejon*, Feng Chen*, Nenad Miljkovic* (2019). Atmosphere-mediated superhydrophobicity of rationally designed micro/nanostructured surfaces. ACS Nano, 13(4), 4160-4173. (自然指数期刊,影响因子: 17.1)
9. Xiao Yan, Leicheng Zhang, Soumyadip Sett, Lezhou Feng, Chongyan Zhao, Zhiyong Huang, Hamed Vahabi, Arun K Kota, Feng Chen, Nenad Miljkovic* (2019). Droplet jumping: Effects of droplet size, surface structure, pinning, and liquid properties. ACS Nano, 13(2), 1309-1323. (自然指数期刊,影响因子: 17.1)
10. Xiao Yan, Soumyadip Sett, Lezhou Feng, Leicheng Zhang, Zhiyong Huang, Feng Chen, Nenad Miljkovic.* (2019). “Swimming Jellyfish”: Visualizing Jet-Like Internal Flow in Coalescing Droplets. Journal of Heat Transfer, 141(10), 100901. (影响因子: 2.1) (基于该研究成果的微尺度成像技术获得科学美国人、福布斯、自然杂志等广泛报导,被自然杂志评为Best Science Images,并荣获2020年度Nikon Small World In Motion Global Competition全球唯一一等奖)
11. Yan, X., Feng, L., Zhang, L., … & Miljkovic, N.* (2020). “Dancing Droplets”: Partial Coalescence on Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Journal of Heat Transfer, 142(3), 030904. (影响因子: 1.855)
12. Xiao Yan, Guangming Fan,* Zhongning Sun. (2017). Study on flow characteristics in an open two-phase natural circulation loop. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 104, 291-300. (影响因子: 1.810) (开式气液相变自然循环的关键原理性研究,基于该自然循环的非能动安全壳冷却系统已应用于第三代核电机组“华龙一号”)
13. Xiao Yan, Feng Chen*, Xueqian Zhang, Yimeng Qin, Chongyan Zhao, Soumyadip Sett, Hyeongyun Cha, Muhammad Jahidul Hoque, Fulong Zhao, Zhiyong Huang, Nenad Miljkovic.* (2020). Atmosphere-mediated scalable and durable biphilicity on rationally designed structured surfaces. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 7(13), 2000475. (影响因子: 5.4)
14. Xiao Yan, Jacob M Diamond, Nathan J Fritz, Satoshi Matsuo, Kazi F Rabbi, Ishrat Zarin, Nenad Miljkovic, Paul V Braun, Nancy R Sottos (2024). Nickel–silicon interfacial adhesion strength measured by laser spallation. Journal of Applied Physics, 135(16). (影响因子:3.2)
15. Zhao, C.=, Yan. X=*, …, Chen, F., Miljkovic, N.* (2022). Exploring the limit of micro-scale confined condensation heat transfer: a numerical simulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 193, 122758. (影响因子: 5.58,共同一作/通讯)
16. Jin, P. =, Yan, X. =*, …., Wenquan Tao*, Miljkovic, N.* (2022). Ultra-Low Ice-Substrate Adhesion and Self-Deicing during Droplet Impacting Freezing. Cell Reports Physical Science. 3, 100894. (影响因子: 7.832,共同一作/通讯)
17. Wang, X.=, Yan, X.=*, …., Min, Q.*, & Miljkovic, N.* (2022). Spreading Dynamics of Microdroplets on Nanostructured Surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 635, 221-230. (影响因子: 9.965,共同一作/通讯)
18. Chu, F.=*, Yan, X.=*, Miljkovic, N.* (2022). How microgrooves drive single condensate droplet jumping. Langmuir. 14, 4452–4460. (影响因子: 4.33,共同一作/通讯)
19. Li, T.=, Yan. X.=, …, Fang, X.*, Miljkovic, N.* (2021). In-situ Jet Electrolyte Micromachining and Additive Manufacturing. Applied Physics Letters, 119(17). (自然指数期刊,影响因子: 3.79,共同一作)
20. Hoque, Muhammad Jahidul=; Yan, Xiao=*; Qiu, Haoyun; Qin, Yimeng; Du, Xuzhi; Stermer, Jackson ; Miljkovic, Nenad.* (2023) Durability and Degradation Mechanisms of Anti-Frosting Surfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13711-13723. (影响因子: 10.43,共同一作/通讯)
21. Hoque, Muhammad Jahidul=; Yan, Xiao=*; Feng, Yue; Ma, Jingcheng; Qiu, Haoyun; Li, Jiaqi; Du, Xuzhi; Linjawi, Majid; Agarwala, Sakshi; Miljkovic, Nenad.* (2023) Defect-Density-Controlled Phase-Change Phenomena. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(11), 14925-14936. (影响因子: 10.43,共同一作/通讯)
22. Zhao, C. =*, Yan, X. =*, Wang, Z., Huang, Z., Bo, H., Chen, F.* (2023) When coalescing droplets jump: a unified energy conversion model incorporating droplet size and surface adhesion. Physics of Fluids, 652, 2098-2107. (影响因子:4.98,共同一作/通讯)
23. Sin, D.T., Chung, C.H.Y., Au, S.C.Y., Yan, X.*, Yao, S.* (2023) Multifunctional Oil-Entangled Matrix Spray (OEMs) for Maritime Sustainability. Advanced Materials Technologies. 8, 24, 2300839. (影响因子:5.4,共同通讯)
24. Wang, X., Yan, X.*, …, Min, Q.* (2023) Dynamic wetting of Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids on microstructured surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 652, 2098-2107. (影响因子: 9.965,共同通讯)
25. Dou, R., Zhou, Y., Fang, H., Liu, F. X., Yan, X.*, & Wang, B*. (2024). Hydrogen bonding regulation on phase change in stimuli responsive copolymer aqueous solution. Polymer Testing, 108324.
26. Ma, W., Sergeev, A. A., Asif, M. B., Pan, Y., Wang, H., Li, K., ... Yan, X.,* Yao, S.* (2024). Robust All-Day Frostphobic Surfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16(33), 44174-44185. (影响因子: 10.43,共同通讯)
27. Hoque, M. J., Sett, S., Yan, X., Liu, D., Rabbi, K. F., Qiu, H., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2022). Life Span of Slippery Lubricant Infused Surfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(3), 4598-4611.
28. Suh, Y., Lee, J., Simadiris, P., Yan, X., Sett, S., Li, L., Rabbi K.F., Miljkovic, N., Won, Y. (2021). A Deep Learning Perspective on Dropwise Condensation. Advanced Science, 8(22), 2101794.
29. Peng, Q., Jia, L., Ding, Y., Dang, C., Yin, L., & Yan, X. (2020). Influence of groove orientation on dropwise condensation on hydrophobic and hierarchical superhydrophobic surfaces with microgroove arrays. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 112, 104492.
30. Foulkes, T., Oh, J., Sokalski, P., Li, L., Sett, S., Sotelo, J., Yan, X., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2020). Jumping droplets electronics cooling: Promise versus reality. Applied Physics Letters, 116(20), 203701.
31. Ma, J., Sett, S., Cha, H., Yan, X., & Miljkovic, N. (2020). Recent developments, challenges, and pathways to stable dropwise condensation: A perspective. Applied Physics Letters, 116(26), 260501.
32. Li, J., Kang, D., Fazle Rabbi, K., Fu, W., Yan, X., Fang, X., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2021). Liquid film–induced critical heat flux enhancement on structured surfaces. Science Advances, 7(26), eabg4537.
33. Günay, A. A., Kim, M. K., Yan, X., Miljkovic, N., & Sett, S. (2021). Droplet evaporation dynamics on microstructured biphilic, hydrophobic, and smooth surfaces. Experiments in Fluids, 62(7), 1-14.
34. Zhao, F., Yan, X., Bo, H., Meng, T., Zeng, C., & Tan, S. (2019). Application of droplet motion and phase change model in containment spray system. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 131, 123-137.
35. Zhao, F., Liu, Q., Yan, X., Bo, H., Zeng, C., & Tan, S. (2019). Droplet Motion and Phase Change Model with Two-Way Coupling. Journal of Thermal Science, 28(4), 826-833.
36. Meng, T., Yan, X., Zhao, F., Bo, H., Zeng, C., & Tan, S. (2019). Application of droplet motion and evaporation model in fuel spray in the constant volume bomb. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 14(1), JTST0003-JTST0003.
37. Li, H., Fan, G., Cao, L., Yang, Y., Yan, X., Dai, Y., ... & Wang, J. (2020). A comprehensive investigation on the design and off-design performance of supercritical carbon dioxide power system based on the small-scale lead-cooled fast reactor. Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 120720.
38. Li, H., Jin, Z., Yang, Y., Huo, Y., Yan, X., Zhao, P., & Dai, Y. (2019). Preliminary conceptual design and performance assessment of combined heat and power systems based on the supercritical carbon dioxide power plant. Energy conversion and management, 199, 111939.
39. Hoque, M. J., Chavan, S., Lundy, R., Li, L., Ma, J., Yan, X., ... & Enright, R. (2022). Biphilic jumping-droplet condensation. Cell Reports Physical Science, 3(4), 100823.
40. Li, L., Khodakarami, S., Yan, X., Fazle Rabbi, K., Gunay, A. A., Stillwell, A., & Miljkovic, N. (2022). Enabling Renewable Energy Technologies in Harsh Climates with Ultra‐Efficient Electro‐Thermal Desnowing, Defrosting, and Deicing. Advanced Functional Materials, 2201521.
41. Zhang, H., Zhao, G., Wu, S., Alsaid, Y., Zhao, W., Yan, X., ... & Wang, J. (2021). Solar anti-icing surface with enhanced condensate self-removing at extreme environmental conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(18).
42. Zhao, G., Zou, G., Wang, W., Geng, R., Yan, X., He, Z., ... & Wang, J. (2020). Competing effects between condensation and self-removal of water droplets determine antifrosting performance of superhydrophobic surfaces. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 12(6), 7805-7814.
43. Zhao, G., Zou, G., Wang, W., Geng, R., Yan, X., He, Z., ... & Wang, J. (2020). Rationally designed surface microstructural features for enhanced droplet jumping and anti-frosting performance. Soft Matter, 16(18), 4462-4476.
44. Chu, F., Lin, Y., Yan, X., & Wu, X. (2020). Quantitative relations between droplet jumping and anti-frosting effect on superhydrophobic surfaces. Energy and Buildings, 225, 110315.
45. Su, W., Li, L., Yan, X., & Miljkovic, N. (2020). Frost Halo Dynamics on Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Journal of Heat Transfer, 142(3).
46. Peng, Q., Yan, X., Li, J., Li, L., Cha, H., Ding, Y., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2020). Breaking droplet jumping energy conversion limits with superhydrophobic microgrooves. Langmuir, 36(32), 9510-9522.
47. Zhou, Y., Ji, B., Yan, X., Jin, P., Li, J., & Miljkovic, N. (2021). Asymmetric Bubble Formation at Rectangular Orifices. Langmuir, 37(14), 4302-4307.
48. Zhu, Y., Yan, X., Ma, L., Liu, Z., & Liu, W. (2022). Exploring the Role of Initial Droplet Position in Coalescence-Induced Droplet Jumping: Lattice Boltzmann Simulations. Processes, 10(5), 986.
49. Konstantinidis, K., Göhl, J., Mark, A., Yan, X., Miljkovic, N., & Sasic, S. (2024). Particle–droplet coalescence and jumping on superhydrophobic surfaces—A direct numerical simulations study. Physics of Fluids, 36(8).
50. Hoque, M. J., Li, L., Ma, J., Cha, H., Sett, S., Yan, X., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2023). Ultra-resilient multi-layer fluorinated diamond like carbon hydrophobic surfaces. Nature communications, 14(1), 4902.
51. Rabbi, K. F., Ho, J. Y., Yan, X., Ma, J., Hoque, M. J., Sett, S., & Miljkovic, N. (2022). Polydimethylsiloxane-Silane Synergy enables Dropwise Condensation of Low Surface Tension Liquids. Advanced Functional Materials, 32(19), 2112837.
52. Ho, J. Y., Fazle Rabbi, K., Khodakarami, S., Yan, X., Li, L., Wong, T. N., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2022). Tunable and Robust Nanostructuring for Multifunctional Metal Additively Manufactured Interfaces. Nano Letters, 22(7), 2650-2659.
53. Li, J., Zhao, Y., Ma, J., Fu, W., Yan, X., Rabbi, K. F., & Miljkovic, N. (2021). Superior Antidegeneration Hierarchical Nanoengineered Wicking Surfaces for Boiling Enhancement. Advanced Functional Materials, 2108836.
54. Sett, S., Yan, X., Barac, G., Bolton, L. W., & Miljkovic, N. (2017). Lubricant-infused surfaces for low-surface-tension fluids: promise versus reality. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(41), 36400-36408.
55. Sett, S., Oh, J., Cha, H., Veriotti, T., Bruno, A., Yan, X., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2021). Lubricant-Infused Surfaces for Low-Surface-Tension Fluids: The Extent of Lubricant Miscibility. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(19), 23121-23133.
56. Zhao, H., Deshpande, C. A., Li, L., Yan, X., Hoque, M. J., Kuntumalla, G., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2020). Extreme antiscaling performance of slippery omniphobic covalently attached liquids. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(10), 12054-12067.
57. Hoque, M. J., Yan, X., Keum, H., Li, L., Cha, H., Park, J. K., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2020). High-throughput stamping of hybrid functional surfaces. Langmuir, 36(21), 5730-5744.
58. Razavi, S. M. R., Oh, J., Sett, S., Feng, L., Yan, X., Hoque, M. J., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2017). Superhydrophobic surfaces made from naturally derived hydrophobic materials. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5(12), 11362-11370.
59. Zhou, K., Yan, X., Oh, S. J., Padilla-Rivera, G., Kim, H. A., Cropek, D. M., ... & Cai, L. (2023). Hierarchically Patterned Self-Cleaning Polymer Composites for Daytime Radiative Cooling. Nano Letters, 23(9), 3669-3677.
60. Yan, X., Chen, F., Sett, S., Feng, L., Oh, J., Cha, H., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2018). Coalescence-Induced Droplet Jumping On Atmospheric-Mediated Superhydrophobic Surfaces. In International Heat Transfer Conference Digital Library. Begel House Inc.(会议全文)
61. Yan, X., Chen, F., Li, H., Sett, S., Li, L., Huang, Z., ... & Miljkovic, N. (2018). Atmosphere-Mediated and Roughness-Variation-Induced Biphilic Surfaces. In International Heat Transfer Conference Digital Library. Begel House Inc.(会议全文)
62. Yan, X., Chen, F., Huang, Z., & Bo, H. (2016, June). Behavior of Clusters on Smooth and Nano-Structured Surfaces. In International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (Vol. 50039, p. V003T09A003). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.(EI检索)
63. 颜笑, 陈凤, 张勤昭, 黄志勇, & 薄涵亮. (2016). 凝结初期固体表面纳米液滴尺寸分布特征. 工程热物理学报, 37(5), 1046-1049.(EI检索)
64. 颜笑, 陈凤, 张勤昭, 黄志勇, & 薄涵亮. (2015). 纳米沟槽表面润湿特性的分子动力学模拟. 原子能科学技术, 49(zengkan1), 342-348.(EI检索)
1. Controlled shedding of microdroplets breaks the limits of dropwise condensation, 2024 SES Annual Technical Meeting,Hangzhou,2024年8月(邀请报告)
2. Pushing the limit of condensation heat transfer via controlled shedding of microdroplets, Micro Flow and Interfacial Phenomena µFIP 2024 Conference,Hong Kong,2024年6月(邀请报告)
3. 微尺度凝液自排离的实现及其传热学意义探讨,哈尔滨工程大学动力与能源工程学院,2024年4月(邀请报告)
4. 微尺度凝液自排离及冷凝强化,中国工程热物理学会传热传质青年学者论坛,2024年4月(邀请报告)
5. 冷凝微液滴自排离与传热强化,中国工程热物理学会多相流与新能源青年论坛,2023年7月(邀请报告)
6. 微尺度相变传热,山东省科学院 能源研究所,2022年8月(邀请报告)
7. 冷凝与微尺度相变传热,北京航空航天大学 宇航学院,2022年1月(获最佳报告奖)
8. 冷凝结霜机理与防冰抑霜, 中国制冷学会研讨会,2021年9月(特邀报告)
9. 相变传热与电子器件热管理,浙江大学 电气学院,2021年9月(邀请报告)
10. 冷凝微液滴与传热强化,清华大学 航空航天学院,2021年5月(邀请报告)
11. 冷凝微液滴自排离与相变传热,北京大学 工学院,2021年3月(邀请报告)
12. 冷凝传热强化,湖南大学 机械与运载学院,2020年12月(邀请报告)
13. 冷凝微液滴自输运调控,华中科技大学 ylzzcom永利总站线路检测,2020年11月(邀请报告)
14. X. Yan, F. Chen, Z. Hunag, J. Li, N. Miljkovic, “Atmosphere-Mediated Superhydrophobic Structured Copper Surfaces”, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, HT2019, Bellevue, WA, July 15-18, 2019.
15. X. Yan, L. Feng, L. Zhang, S. Sett, L. Li, N. Miljkovic, “Dancing Droplets: Partial Coalescence on Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, HT2019, Bellevue, WA, July 15-18, 2019.
16. X. Yan, S. Sett, L. Zhang, L. Feng, N. Miljkovic, “Coalescence-Induced Droplet Jumping on Superhydrophobic Nanostructured, Superhydrophobic Hierarchical, and Biphilic Hierarchical Surfaces”, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2018, Pittsburgh, PA, November 9-15, 2018.
17. X. Yan, F. Chen, H. Li, S. Sett, L. Li, Z. Huang, H. Bo, N. Miljkovic, “Roughness-Variation Induced Biphilic Surfaces for Condensation Heat Transfer Enhancement”, Proceedings of the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-16, Beijing, China, August 10-15, 2018.
18. X. Yan, F. Chen, S. Sett, L. Feng, J. Oh, H. Cha, L. Li, Z. Huang, N. Miljkovic, “Coalescence-Induced Droplet Jumping on Hydrophilic Nanoengineered Surfaces”, Proceedings of the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-16, Beijing, China, August 10-15, 2018.
19. X. Yan, F. Chen, Z., Huang, H. Bo, “Behavior of Clusters on Smooth and Nano-Structured Surfaces’’. 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ASME, Charlotte, NC, June 10-14, 2016.
20. X. Yan, N. Miljkovic, “Manipulating Micro/Nano-droplet Transport for Enhanced Condensation’’. 1st Conference on Micro Flow and Interfacial Phenomena, St. Louis, MO, July 7-9, 2021.