王军锋,教授,博士生导师,ylzzcom永利总站线路检测弘深杰出学者,入选教育部长江学者特聘教授。曾担任江苏大学ylzzcom永利总站线路检测经理、二级教授。长期从事多相流热物理学及生物质能源高效转化利用等方面的研究,涉及荷电多相流理论及工程应用、静电喷雾技术、粉尘污染治理、生物柴油高效转化利用以及高效绿色制氢等。主持承担国家自然科学基金重点项目、国际合作重点项目、面上项目及国家重点研发计划项目课题等10 余项,企业委托课题30 余项。在国内外学术刊物上发表论文300余篇,授权专利60余件,先后以第一完成人或主要完成人获教育部、江苏省等省部级科技成果二等奖4项,三等奖3项。现兼任江苏省能源研究会理事会副理事长、江苏省力学学会理事会常务理事、中国工程热物理学会多相流专委会委员、中国计量测试学会多相流测试专业委员会委员等。
1. 荷电多相流理论及工程应用
2. 能源动力工程中的多相流与复杂流动
3. 生物质能源转化与利用
4. 节能环保新技术
5. 现代流动测试技术
2. 多尺度光-热-力耦合作用下的色素性皮肤病激光瞬态热蚀除机理研究(国家自然科学基金重点项目No.52036007),2021-2025;
3. 高品位酯基生物燃料高效制备关键技术及装备的合作研发(江苏省创新计划国际合作项目No. BZ2022016),2022-2024;
4. 静电微喷雾冷却过程多相流及强化传热机理的研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目No.51976084),2020-2023;
5. 燃煤电厂新型高效除尘技术及工程示范(国家重点研发计划专项课题任务No.2017YFB0603205-02),2017-2020;
6. 多场耦合作用下荷电液滴吸附细颗粒物机理和特性的研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目No.51376084),2014-2017;
7. 采用桐油籽及棕榈籽无废制备生物柴油及利用的研究(国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作项目No.51311140294),2013-2015;
8. 荷电喷雾射流液滴二次雾化特性及机理的研究(国家自然科学基金青年项目No.51006047),2011-2013;
9. 基于荷电多相流技术的电厂粉尘无组织排放控制和抑尘技术研究及应用(国家能源集团技术攻关项目),2023-2024;
10. 采用太阳能空气集热器和太阳能房对城市污水处理厂污泥资源化处理技术及成套工艺设备的研发(科技部中小企业创新资金项目),2010-2013;
11. 结合太阳能空气集热器的海水/苦咸水淡化小型处理装置(科技部中小企业创新资金项目),2010-2013;
12. 大载荷无人机高效施药技术及喷洒装备(江苏省农业科技自主创新项目No.CX(15)1038),2015-2018;
13. 荷电液滴脱除可吸入颗粒物机理及过程的多相流动研究(教育部博士点基金项目),2013-2015;
14. 抛光粉尘治理技术研究及装备研发(企业攻关项目),2015-2017;
15. 室外环境降温净化方法与装置(成果应用转化项目),2012-2015;
16. 细水雾环境调节技术及系统装备的研发(企业攻关项目),2011-2013。
1. Junfeng Wang*, Wei Zhang, Tianyi Wu, Menglin Chen, Mingdong Dong*. Occurrence of giant plasma bubble in liquid. Matter, 2024, Accepted.
2. Junfeng Wang*, Jinfeng Han, Tianyi Wu, Bin Li, Kai Yu, Haojie Xu, Wei Zhang*. Bubble deformation and breakup in a non-uniform electric field. Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 287: 119741.
3. Jiameng Tian, Changqiu He, Yiqi Chen, Zhentao Wang, Ziwen Zuo, Junfeng Wang*, Bin Chen, Junhui Xiong. Experimental study on combined heat transfer enhancement due to macro-structured surface and electric field during electrospray cooling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 220: 25015.
4. Jiang Yao, Junfeng Wang*, Qingming Dong, Haojie Xu, Wei Zhang, Lei Zuo, Rui Liu. Investigation of electrohydrodynamic effects on sessile droplet evaporation using the lattice Boltzmann method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 236: 121739.
5. Lei Zuo, Junfeng Wang*, Deqing Mei, Dongbao Wang, Haojie Xu, Jiang Yao, Kai Yu, Jian Gao. Electric field-influencing combustion behaviors of droplets of ethanol, biodiesel and diesel. Fuel, 2024, 357: 129649.
6. Mohamed Qenawy, Yiqi Chen, Yuchen Zhu, Junfeng Wang*, Jiameng Tian*, Bin Chen. Improving fluid flow and heat transfer of cryogen spray cooling using sweeping cold air jet. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 043302.
7. Lei Zuo, Junfeng Wang*, Deqing Mei, Dongbao Wang, Wei Zhang, Haojie Xu, Jiang Yao, Tianyue Zhao. Atomization and combustion characteristics of a biodiesel–ethanol fuel droplet in a uniform DC electric field. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 013303.
8. Tianyi Wu, Junfeng Wang*, Wei Zhang, Lei Zuo, Haojie Xu, Bin Li. Plasma bubble characteristics and hydrogen production performance of methanol decomposition by liquid phase discharge. Energy, 2023, 273: 127252.
9. Wei Zhang, Junfeng Wang*, Zhentao Wang, Bin Li, Kai Yu, Shuiqing Zhan, Yuanping Huo, Hai Wang, Haojie Xu. Review of bubble dynamics on charged liquid-gas flow. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 021302.
10. Mohamed Qenawy, Junfeng Wang*, Jiameng Tian*, Bufa Li, Bin Chen. Investigation of unsteady flow behavior of cryogen-spray coupled with cold air jet. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 235: 121406.
11. Bufa Li, Junfeng Wang*, Jiameng Tian, Bin Chen, Haojie Xu, Hao Jia. Transient cooling performance of R134a flash-evaporation spray enhanced by cold air jet: A novel heat transfer enhancement method in laser dermatology. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 199: 123468.
12. Jiang Yao, Junfeng Wang*, Qingming Dong, Dongbao Wang, Wei Zhang, Haojie Xu, Lei Zuo. Lattice Boltzmann study of droplet evaporation on a heated substrate under a uniform electric field. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 211: 118517.
13. Lei Zuo, Junfeng Wang*, Deqing Mei*, Shengchao Dai, Derick Adu-Mensah. Experimental investigation on combustion and (regulated and unregulated) emissions performance of a common-rail diesel engine using partially hydrogenated biodiesel-ethanol-diesel ternary blend. Renewable Energy, 2022, 185: 1272-1283.
14. Bin Li, Mingdong Ju, Xiaohui Dou, Ning Li, Wei Zhang, Zhiqian Sun, Kai Yu, Junfeng Wang*, Zhentao Wang. Assessing nanoparticle-surfactant-salt synergistic effects on droplet-droplet electrocoalescence by molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 367: 120570.
15. Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang*, Kai Yu, Bin Li, Wei Zhang, Lei Zuo, Hyoung-Bum Kim. Droplet impact on hot substrates under a uniform electric field. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34: 092111.
16. Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang*, Bin Li, Kai Yu, Hai Wang, Jiameng Tian, Bufa Li. Electrospray characteristics and cooling performance of dielectric fluid HFE-7100. Energy. 2022, 259: 125072.
17. Junfeng Wang*, Yan Zhang, Jiameng Tian, Haojie Xu, Lei Zuo, Dongbao Wang, Xiaohui Zuo. Experimental investigation of electrospray cooling performance using the mixture of ethanol and R141b; International Journal of Thermophysics, 2022, 82: 43-82.
18. Lei Zuo, Junfeng Wang*, Deqing Mei*, Derick Adu-Mensah, Yaping Gao. Ultrasonic-assisted catalytic transfer hydrogenation of cottonseed biodiesel using Raney-Ni catalyst in aqueous environment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 437: 135193.
19. Junfeng Wang*, Tianyue Zhao, Jiameng Tian, Haojie Xu, Lei Zuo, Wei Zhang, Xiaohui Zuo, Yan Zhang. Oscillating evaporation of pendant droplets under the action of ionic wind. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 650: 129579.
20. Zhiheng Fan, Junfeng Wang*, Dongbao Wang, Shuaiquan Lu, Yating Zhang. Experimental study on the generation, coulomb split and movement characteristics of charged droplets. Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 242: 116724.
21. Wei Zhang, Junfeng Wang*, Bin Li, Kai Yu, Dongbao Wang, Piyaphong Yongphet, Haojie Xu. Experimental investigation on bubble coalescence regimes under non-uniform electric field. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 417: 127982.
22. Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang*, Bin Li, Kai Yu, Jiameng Tian, Dongbao Wang, Wei Zhang. Effect of spray modes on electrospray cooling heat transfer of ethanol. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 189: 116757.
23. Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang*, Bin Li, Kai Yu, Jiameng Tian, Dongbao Wang, Wei Zhang. Effect of spray modes on electrospray cooling heat transfer of ethanol. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 189: 116757.
24. Hai Wang, Xin Zhao, Junfeng Wang*, Zhentao Wang, Dongbao Wang, Jiameng Tian. Enhanced dropwise condensation on heterogeneously hybrid patterned surfaces. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021, 27: 101319.
25. Yuanping Huo, Cong Zhang, Ziwen Zuo, Huihe Qiu, Junfeng Wang*. Effect of gas ionization on interphase interaction of adjacent oppositely charged droplets. Experiments in Fluids, 2020, 61: 213.
26. Dongbao Wang, Junfeng Wang*, Piyaphong Yongphet, Xiaoying Wang, Ziwen Zuo, Bin Li, Wei Zhang. Experimental study on electric-field-induced droplet generation and breakup in an immiscible medium. Experiments in Fluids, 2020, 61: 78.
27. Wei Zhang, Junfeng Wang*, Bin Li, Hailong Liu, Christian Mulbah, Dongbao Wang, Piyaphong Yongphet. EHD effects on periodic bubble formation and coalescence in ethanol under non-uniform electric field. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 215: 115451.
28. Junfeng Wang*, Haojie Xu, Yuanping Huo, Yuting Wang, Mingdong Dong. Progress of electrospray and electrospinning in energy applications. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31: 132001.
29. Dongbao Wang, Junfeng Wang*, Xiaoying Wang, Yuanping Huo, Piyaphong Yongphet. Experimental investigation on the deformation and breakup of charged droplets in dielectric liquid medium. International Journal of Multiphase flow, 2019, 114: 39-49.
30. Bin Li, Zhiqian Sun, Zhenbo Wang*, Junfeng Wang*, Zhentao Wang, Xiaohui Dou, Yuxin Fan, Xiaoyu Li, Hailong Liu. Effects of the particle concentration on the electro-dehydration of simulated SAGD produced ultra-heavy oil. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 151: 157-167.