1. 反应堆热工分析及安全评价
2. 水电解制氢过程的热质传递
3. 气液两相及多相流动传热与工程应用
4. 多相流及相变问题的计算机模拟
5. 热工问题中的可视化方法及测量技术
1 陈德奇 博士 2004.9 -2010.12 ylzzcom永利总站线路检测ylzzcom永利总站线路检测教授
2 袁德文 博士 2005.09 -2010.07 中国核动力研究设计院研究室副主任,研究员
3 邓佳佳 博士 2010.9 -2015.07 浙江海洋大学副教授
4 刘宏波 博士 2011.9 -2016.12 西南石油大学副教授
5 何 辉 博士 2011.9 -2016.12 上海交通大学机动学经理聘副教授
6 黄豪杰 博士 2012.9 -2018.12 电子科工集团下属研究所助理研究员
7 任全耀 博士 2013-09 -2018-12 中国核动力研究设计院设计所助理研究员
8 刘 航 博士 2012.9 -2018.12 中国核动力研究设计院设计所助理研究员
9 张牧昊 博士 2013.06 -2019.12 成都理工大学核学院副研究员
10 魏 列 博士 2014.07-2020.7 西南石油大学讲师
11 尹思友 硕士 2016-09 -2019.07 浙江吉利动力总成研究院热管理仿真工程师
12 李松松 硕士 2016-09 -2019.07 中国直升机设计研究所助理研究员
13 陈天铭 硕士 2016-09 -2019.07 中广核研究院热工所工程师
14 化新超 硕士 2015-09 -2018.07 核动力运行研究所 工程师
15 叶停朴 硕士 2015-09 -2018.07 中广核研究院实验中心工程师
16 谭智威 硕士 2009.9 -2012.7 中航长沙设计研究院高级工程师
17 许 升 硕士 2014-09 -2017.07 中国船舶集团有限公司第724所工程师
18 温 建 硕士 2014-09 -2017-07 中广核研究院小堆所工程师
19 严润刚 硕士 2014-09 -2017-07 四川航天中天动力装备制造有限公司工程师
20 蒲鹏飞 硕士 2003-09 -2006-07 西南电力设计研究院高级工程师
21 何英青 硕士 2004-09 -2007-07 广东轻工业研究设计院高级工程师
22 季洪春 硕士 2005-09 -2008-07 东方电气集团海外事业部塞尔维亚技术部经理
23 毛鸣汐 硕士 2006-09 -2009-07 武汉钢铁集团高级工程师
24 鲁红杰 硕士 20...
编号 |
项目来源 |
项目名称 |
经费/万元 |
1 |
科技部国家重点研发计划(课题) |
复杂异型子通道内相态特性及演变机制研究 |
247 |
2 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
水电解高纯氢制备中磁流体动力学及微磁浓度梯度效应协同强化方法和机制 |
59.2 |
3 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
窄微多通道流动不稳定性的气泡动力学触发机制 |
70 |
4 |
国家自然科学基金项目 |
窄微流道沸腾的汽泡动力学理论及现象学研究 |
24 |
5 |
军工973项目 |
军工项目JW20*2014099 |
100 |
6 |
军工973项目 |
军工项目JW20*2009034 |
40 |
7 |
重庆市技术创新重点研发项目 |
钢铁行业固废资源循环利用关键技术及应用示范 |
20 |
8 |
重庆市自然科学重点项目 |
磁场强化电解水制超纯氢的研究 |
20 |
9 |
军工企业项目 |
JG20190128 |
77 |
10 |
军工企业项目 |
JG20190102 |
90 |
11 |
军工企业项目 |
JG20190006 |
92 |
12 |
军工企业项目 |
JG20180173 |
59.01 |
13 |
军工企业项目 |
JG20180171 |
14.33 |
14 |
军工企业项目 |
JG20180163 |
84.5 |
15 |
军工企业项目 |
JG20180161 |
40 |
16 |
军工企业项目 |
JG20180162 |
46.7 |
17 |
军工企业项目 |
JG2018087 |
40 |
18 |
军工企业项目 |
JG2017010 |
85 |
19 |
企业横向项目 |
安注系统DOI注入设计实验验证 |
182 |
20 |
企业横向项目 |
非能动安全壳冷却系统试验技术验证RELAP5建模计算分析 |
25 |
... |
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Lin Wang, Liang-ming Pan*, Junfeng Wang, Deqi Chen, Yanping Huang*, Lian Hu. Investigation on the temperature sensitivity of the S-CO2 Brayton cycle efficiency [J]. Energy, 2019 (178): 739-750.
Hong-bo Liu*, Qian Hu, Liang-ming Pan*, Rui Wu, Yang Liu, Dinghan Zhong. Electrode-normal magnetic field facilitating neighbouring electrochemical bubble release from hydrophobic islets [J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2019 (306): 350-359.
Ting-pu Ye, Liang-ming Pan*, Quan-yao Ren, Wen-xiong Zhou, TaoZhong. Experimental study on distribution parameter characteristics in vertical rod bundles [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019 (132): 593-605.
Yang Liu, Liang-ming Pan*, Hongbo Liu, Tianming Chen, Siyou Yin, Mengmeng Liu. Effects of magnetic field on water electrolysis using foam electrodes [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019 (44): 1352-1358.
Hong-bo Liu, Liang-ming Pan*, Qi-jun Qin, Peng-fei Li. Experimental and numerical investigation of gas-liquid flow in water electrolysis under magnetic field [J]. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019 (832): 293-302.
Muhao Zhang, Liang-ming Pan*, Hui He, Xiaohong Yang, Mamoru Ishii. Experimental study of vertical co-current slug flow in terms of flow regime transition in relatively small diameter tubes [J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019 (108): 140-155.
Hang Liu, Liang-ming Pan*, Takashi Hibiki, Wen-xiong Zhou, Quan-yao Ren, Song-song Li. Axial development of gas-liquid flow regime maps in a vertical 5×5 rod bundle with prototypic spacer grids [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018 (339): 1-10.
Quan-yao Ren, Liang-ming Pan*, Wen-xiong Zhou, Hang Liu, Ting-pu Ye, Drift-flux model of sub-channel in vertical rod bundles with spacer grids [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018 (126): 946-956.
Quan-Yao Ren, Liang-Ming Pan*, Wen-Xiong Zhou, Hang Liu, Ting-Pu Ye, Bin Yu, Zhong-Chun Li. Measurement of subchannel void fraction in 5×5 rod bundles using an impedance void meter [J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2018 (29): 104004.
Hui He, Liang-Ming Pan*, Hao-jie Huang, Run-gang Yan. Rupture of thin liquid film based premature critical heat flux prediction in microchannel [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018 (125): 933-942.
Quan-Yao Ren, Liang-Ming Pan*, Wen-Xiong Zhou, Si-jia Du, Zhong-Chun Li. Phase distribution characteristics of bubbly flow in 5×5 vertical rod bundles with mixing vane spacer grids [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018 (96): 451-459.
Haojie Huang, Liang-Ming Pan*, Run-gang Yan. Flow characteristics and instability analysis of pressure drop in parallel multiple microchannels [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018 (142): 184-193.
Quan-Yao Ren, Wen-Xiong Zhou*, Si-jia Du, Zhong-Chun Li, Liang-Ming Pan*. Sub-channel flow regime maps in vertical rod bundles with spacer grids [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018 (122): 1138-1152.
Liang-Ming Pan*, Run-gang Yan, Hao-jie Huang, Hui He, Peng-fei Li. Experimental study on the flow boiling pressure drop characteristics in parallel multiple microchannels [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018 (116): 642-654.
Liu, Hang; Pan, Liang-ming*; Hibiki, Takashi; Zhou, Wen-xiong; Ren, Quan-yao; Li, Song-song (2018), One-dimensional interfacial area transport for bubbly two-phase flow in vertical 5×5 rod bundle, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 72:257-273
Quan-yao Ren, Liang-ming Pan*, Wen-xiong Zhou, Si-jia Du, Zhong-chun Li (2018), Phase distribution characteristics of bubbly flow in 5×5 vertical rod bundles with mixing vane spacer grids, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 96:451-459
Huang, H., Dhir, V.K. & Pan, L., Liquid film thickness measurement underneath a gas slug with miniaturized sensor matrix in a microchannel, Microfluid Nanofluid (2017) 21: 159.
Muhao Zhang, Liang-ming Pan*, Peng Ju, Xiaohong Yang, Mamoru Ishii, The mechanism of bubbly to slug flow regime transition in air-water two phase flow: A new transition criterion, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108 (2017) 1579–1590
Lie Wei, Liang-Ming Pan*, Yan-Ming Zhao, Quan-Yao Ren, Wen-Zhi Zhang, Numerical study of adiabatic two-phase flow patterns in vertical rectangular narrow channels, Applied Thermal Engineering 110 (2017) 1101–1110
Hui He, Peng-fei Li, Run-gang Yan, Liang-ming Pan*, (2016) Modeling of reversal flow and pressure fluctuation in rectangular microchannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 102 (2016) 1024–1033
Pan, Liang-Ming; Zhang, Muhao; Ju, Peng; He, Hui; Ishii, Mamoru, (2016), Vertical co-current two-phase flow regime identification using fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm and ReliefF attribute weighting technique, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 95:393-404
Hongbo Liu, Liang-Ming Pan*, Jian Wen, (2016), Numerical simulation of hydrogen bubble growth at an electrode surface. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 94(1):192-199,
Liang-ming Pan*, Hui He, Peng Ju, Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii.(2015). Experimental Study and Modeling of Disturbance Wave Height of Vertical Annular Flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 89:165–175.
Liangming Pan*; Hui He; Peng Ju; Takashi Hibiki; Mamoru Ishii. (2015). The influences of gas-liquid interfacial properties on interfacial shear stress for vertical annular flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 89:1172–1183.
Pan, Liang-Ming*; Zhang, Muhao; Ju, Peng; He, Hui; Ishii, Mamoru. (2016). Vertical co-current two-phase flow regime identification using fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm and ReliefF attribute weighting technique, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 95:393-404.
Hongbo Liu, Liangming Pan*, Haojie Huang, Qijun Qin, Pengfei Li, Jian Wen, (2015), Hydrogen bubble growth at micro-electrode under magnetic field, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 754: 22–29.
Hongbo Liu, Liang-Ming Pan*, Jian Wen.(2016). Numerical simulation of hydrogen bubble growth at an electrode surface. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 94(1):192-199.
Hui He, Liangming Pan*, Yao Wu, Deqi Chen. (2015). An Analytic Model of Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux on an Immerged Downward Facing Curved Surface, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 289:73–80.
Jia-jia Deng, Liang-ming Pan*, Deqi Chen, Yu-quan Dong, Cheng-mu Wang, Hang Liu, Mei-qiang Kang. (2014). Numerical Simulation and Field Test Study of Desulfurization Wastewater Evaporation Treatment through Flue Gas, Water Science and Technology, 70(7): 1285-1291.
Yan Yang, Liang-ming Pan*, Jian-jun Xu.(2014). Effects of microgravity on Marangoni convection and growth characteristic of a single bubble, ActaAstronautica, 100: 129–139.
Liang-ming Pan*, Zhi-wei Tan, De-qi Chen, Long-changXue.(2012). Numerical investigation of vapor bubble condensation characteristics of subcooled flow boiling in vertical rectangular channel. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 248:126–136.
De-qi Chen, Liang-ming Pan*, Song Ren. (2012). Prediction of Bubble Detachment Diameter in Flow Boiling Based on Force Analysis, Nuclear Engineering & Design, 243 263–271.
De-wen Yuan, Liang-ming Pan *, De-qi Chen, et al. (2011). Bubble Behavior of High Subcooling Flow Boiling at Different System Pressure in Vertical Narrow Channel, Applied Thermal Engineering, 31(16): 3512-3520.
Jing-hua Wei, Liang-ming Pan*, De-qi Chen, et al. (2011).Numerical simulation of bubble behaviors in subcooled flow boiling under swing motion, Nuclear Engineering & Design, 241:2898– 2908.
De-qi Chen, Liang-ming Pan *, De-wen Yuan, et al. (2011). The nature of bubble growth under different system pressures in a narrow channel. Nuclear Engineering & Design, 241(3): 785–791.
De-qi Chen, Liang-ming Pan*, De-wen Yuan, Xiao-jun Wang. (2010). Dual Model of Bubble Growth in Vertical Rectangular Narrow Channel, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(8):1004-1007.
Pan, L. M.*, H. C. Ji, et al. (2009). "An experimental investigation for cold-state flow field of regenerative heating annular furnace." Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(16): 3426-3430.
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Liang-Ming Pan, Tien-Chien Jen, Chuan He et al. (2006). “Heat Transfer and Bubble Movement of Two-Side and One-Side Heating Subcooled Flow Boiling in Vertical Narrow Channels”. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, 128(8):838-842.
Tien-Chien Jen, Liangming Pan, Longjian Li, et al. (2006). “The acceleration of charged nano-particles in gas stream of supersonic de-Laval-type nozzle coupled with static electric field”. Applied Thermal Engineering, 26(5-6):613-621.