教授,博士生导师,重庆市工程热物理学科学术带头人,Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing、Journal of Engineering、ylzzcom永利总站线路检测学报(自然科学版)等杂志编委。主要从事传热传质、热经济学、高效换热与节能技术等方面的教学和科研工作,出版《热经济学理论及应用》专著一部,主编《高等传热学》、《传热学》、《传热分析与计算》、《换热器原理与计算》等教材,主持国家自然科学基金8项,发表论文200余篇,获省部级奖3项。
(1) 热能利用与节能技术;
(2) 工程传热及应用;
(3) 非平衡热力学理论与应用;
(4) 热对流过程稳定性及界面能量传输;
(5) 新能源动力;
[1] Shuang Ye, Li Zhang, Chun-Mei Wu, You-Rong Li*, Qiu-Sheng Liu, Experimental investigation on evaporation dynamics of sessile ethanol droplets on a heated substrate, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162 (2020) 120352
[2] Rui-Feng Guo, Li Zhang, Dong-Ming Mo, Chun-Mei Wu, You-Rong Li*, Measurement of temperature profile near the evaporating interface in an annular pool with radial temperature gradients at low pressures, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 119 (2020) 110221
[3] Yu Zhang, Li Zhang, Dong-Ming Mo, Chun-Mei Wu, You-Rong Li*, Numerical investigation on flow instability of sessile ethanol droplets evaporating in its pure vapor at low pressure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 156 (2020) 119893
[4] Yu-Peng Hu, You-Rong Li*, Liang Lu, Yong-Jian Mao, Ming-Hai Li, Natural convection of water-based nanofluids near the density maximum in an annulus, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 152 (2020) 106309
[5] Shuang Ye, Li Zhang, Chun-Mei Wu, You-Rong Li*, Qiu-Sheng Liu, Experimental investigation of evaporation dynamic of sessile droplets in pure vapor environment with low pressures, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 149 (2020) 106213
[6] Li Zhang, You-Rong Li*, Coupling effect of phase change heat transfer on free surface in pure steam environment and thermocapillary convection in annular pool, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 142 (2019) 118452
[7] Jin-Jing Li, Lu Zhang, Li Zhang, You-Rong Li*, Xiao-Jun Quan, Experimental study on the effect of surface evaporation on the thermocapillary-buoyancy convection in a shallow annular pool, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 140 (2019) 828–836
[8] You-Rong Li*, Sen Zhang, Li Zhang, Thermocapillary convection of moderate Prandtl number in a shallow annular pool heated from inner cylinder with surface heat dissipation, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 145 (2019) 105983
[9] Xiao-Jie Huang, You-Rong Li*, Li Zhang, Yu-Peng Hu, Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a cubical container filled with cold water near its maximum density, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 21-31
[10] You-Rong Li*, Lu Zhang, Li Zhang, Jia-Jia Yu, Experimental study on Prandtl number dependence of thermocapillary-buoyancy convection in Czochralski configuration with different depths, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 130 (2018) 168–182
[11] Li Zhang, You-Rong Li*, Chun-Mei Wu, Qiu-Sheng Liu, Flow pattern transition and destabilization mechanism of thermocapillary convection for low Prandtl number fluid in a deep annular pool with surface heat dissipation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018) 118–127
[12] Li Zhang, You-Rong Li*, Chun-Mei Wu, Qiu-Sheng Liu, Flow bifurcation routes to chaos of thermocapillary convection for low Prandtl number fluid in shallow annular pool with surface heat dissipation, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 125: 23-33, 2018
[13] You-Rong Li*, Lu Jia, Li Zhang, Yu-Peng Hu, Direct numerical simulation of Rayleigh-Bénard-Marangoni convection of cold water near its density maximum in a cylindrical pool, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 124: 327-337, 2018
[14] You-Rong Li*, Lu Zhang, Li Zhang, Shuang Ye, Jia-Jia Yu, Chun-Mei Wu, Experimental study on complex flow of a binary mixture in Czochralski configurations with different aspect ratios, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018) 835-845
[15] Xiao-Jie Huang, You-Rong Li*, Li Zhang, Chun-Mei Wu, Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection of cold water near its maximum density in a vertical cylindrical container, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (2018) 185-193