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主要从事:从事电化学工程研究,在读本科、博士和博士后其间,师从国际顶尖专家在不同领域方向进行研究:(1)液流电池(F. Walsh教授, 南安普顿大学),(2)热质传递(赵天寿教授院士, 香港科技大学),(3)功能材料(M. Anderson教授, 威斯康星大学),(4)锂离子电池(P. Grant教授FREng, 牛津大学),(5)热流模拟 (K. Luo 教授FREng, 伦敦大学学院)。利用工程科学和基础化学跨学科的研究基础进行开发高效能,低成本,可持续且安全...
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从事电化学工程研究,在读本科、博士和博士后其间,师从国际顶尖专家在不同领域方向进行研究:(1)液流电池(F. Walsh教授, 南安普顿大学),(2)热质传递(赵天寿教授院士, 香港科技大学),(3)功能材料(M. Anderson教授, 威斯康星大学),(4)锂离子电池(P. Grant教授FREng, 牛津大学),(5)热流模拟 (K. Luo 教授FREng, 伦敦大学学院)。利用工程科学和基础化学跨学科的研究基础进行开发高效能,低成本,可持续且安全的储能系统。

针对现时技术上的难题,探索新型电池化学概念,热质传递及设计/制备,展开了多项基础研究工作。在不同电池体系(液流、固体、锂/钠离子、含水、有机、空气及高温溶盐)累积了不少经验。在不同岗位参与多国最大型研究基金项目(欧盟,英国,西班牙,中国香港)并与公司(Siemens AG, Jaguar Land Rover Plc., Repsol S.A.), 进行产业化及基础研究合作。

曾获得欧盟玛丽居里研究基金,在多项国际期刊发表论文约30篇(平均影响因子 > 6),包括多个电池体系,有机/无机化学机理,功能材料开发,数学理论模型及传统电化学(如腐蚀和电镀)等的基础研究工作。论文被国内外相关学者他引超过1000次,并在数项液流电池技术内(包括锌基,有机和电池工程)发表综述文章。

Oct 2007 – July 2011, 南安普顿大学,能源工程, 博士

Oct 2004 – July, 2007, 南安普顿大学, 机械工业, 学士(1st class)







Innovate UK, ‘HVM Catapult’, GBP 5+M, 2012 – 2014.

European Commission, ‘Marie Curie Fellowship’ EUR 200k, 2014 –2016.

Repsol Programa Inspire, ‘Batería de Flujo Orgánica para vehículos eléctricos de recarga ultrarrápida con surtidores convencionales ‘(BAFO), EUR 300k,2015 – 2017.

EPSRC, ‘Enabling next generation lithium batteries’, GBP 8.4 M, 2016 – 2020.

P. Leung, T. Martin, Q. Xu, C. Flox, M.R. Mohamad, J. Palma, A. Rodchanarowan, X. Zhu, W.W. Xing, A.A. Shah, A new aqueous all-organic flow battery with high cell voltage in acidic electrolytes, Applied Energy, 2020.

P. Leung, J.F. Bu,, P. Quijano Velasco, M. R. Roberts, N. Grobert, P. S. Grant, “Single-step spray printing of symmetric all-organic solid state batteries based on porous textile dye electrodes’, Adv. Energy Mater, 2019, 1901418.

P. Leung, D. Aili, Q. Xu, A. Shah, Rechargeable organic-air flow batteries, Sustainable & Energy Fuels., 2018, 2, 2252-2259.

A. Khor+, P. Leung+, L. Sanz, C. Flox, Q. Xu, L. An, M.R. Mohamed, J.R. Morante, A.A. Shah* “Review of Zinc-based hybrid flow batteries: From fundamentals to applications´´, Materials Today Energy, 2018, 8, 80 – 108.

P. Leung, L. Sanz, C. Flox, J.R. Morante, Q. Xu, A.A. Shah, M.R. Mohamed, C. Ponce de Leon, F.C. Walsh, “Recent developments in organic redox flow batteries: a critical review´´, J. Power Sources, 2017, 360, 243 – 284.

P. Leung, T. Martin, J. Palma, A. Shah, L. An, R. Marcilla, M. Anderson, “Cyclohexanedione as negative electrode reactions for aqueous organic redox flow batteries´´, Applied Energy, 2017,197, 318 - 326.

P. Leung, T. Martin, A. Shah, M.R. Mohamed, M. Anderson, J. Palma, “Membrane-less hybrid flow battery based on low-cost elements´´, J. Power Sources , 2017, 341, 36 – 45.

P. Leung, T. Martin, A. Shah, M. Anderson, J. Palma, “Membrane-less organic-inorganic aqueous flow batteries with improved cell potential´´, Chem.Commun., 2016, 52, 14270 – 14273.

P.K. Leung, J. Palma, E- Garcia-Quismondo, L. Sanz, M.R. Mohamed, M. Anderson, “Evaluation of electrode materials for all-copper hybrid flow batteries´´, J. Power Sources , 2016, 310, 1 – 11.

P.K. Leung, S. Heck, T. Amietszajew, M.R. Mohamed, C. Moreno, R.J. Dashwood, R. Bhagat, “Performance and polarization studies of magnesium-antimony liquid metal battery with the use of in-situ reference electrode´´, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 83096 – 83104.

P.K. Leung, M.R. Mohamed, A. Shah, Q. Xu, M.B. Conde, “A mixed acid based vanadium-cerium redox flow battery with a zero-gap serpentine architecture’, J. Power Sources, 2015, 274, pp. 651 – 658.

P.K. Leung, C. Moreno, I. Masters, S. Hazra, B. Conde, M.R. Mohamed, R.J. Dashwood, R. Bhagat, “Real-time displacement and strain mappings of lithium-ion batteries using three-dimensional digital image correlation’, J. Power Sources, 2014, 271, pp. 82 – 86.

P.K. Leung, C. Ponce de León, F.J. Recio, P. Herrasti, F.C. Walsh, “Corrosion of the zinc negative electrode of zinc-cerium hybrid redox flow batteries in methanesulfonic acid’, J. Appl. Electrochem., 2014, 44, pp. 1025 – 1035.

P.K. Leung, Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao, Z. Lin, Z. Cheng, “Preparation of silica nanocomposite anion-exchange membranes with low vanadium-ion crossover for vanadium redox flow batteries’, Electrochim. Acta, 2013, 105, pp 584 - 592.

P. Leung, X. Li, C. Ponce de León, L. Berlouis, C.T. J. Low, F. C. Walsh, ‘Progress in redox flow batteries, remaining challenges and their applications in energy storage’, RSC Advances, 2012, 2, 20236-10156.

P.K. Leung, Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao, ‘High-potential zinc-lead dioxide rechargeable batteries’, Electrochim. Acta, 2012, 79, pp.117-125.

P.K. Leung, C. Ponce-de-León, F.C. Walsh, “The influence of operational parameters on the performance of an undivided zinc-cerium flow battery’, Electrochim. Acta, 2012, 80, pp. 7-14.

P.K. Leung, C. Ponce-de-León, F.C. Walsh, ‘An undivided zinc-cerium redox flow battery operating at room temperature’, Electrochem. Comm., 2011, 13(8), 700-703.

P.K. Leung, C. Ponce-de-León, A.A. Shah, F.C. Walsh, ‘Characterization of a zinc-cerium flow battery’, J. Power Sources, 2011, 196, pp. 5174-5185.

P.K. Leung, C. Ponce-de-León, F.C. Walsh, ‘Zinc deposition and dissolution in methanesulfonic acid as the negative electrode reaction of a redox flow battery’, Electrochim. Acta, 2011, 56 (18), pp 6536-6546.