2016年澳大利亚昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland)毕业,师从Suresh Bhatia教授(澳大利亚科学院与工程院院士)获工学博士学位。博士期间主要致力于采用多孔碳纳米材料进行CO2捕集的研究。2016年10月至2018年10月在澳大利亚昆士兰大学Bhatia教授课题组从事博士后研究员的工作。2015年1月-2015年6月获澳大利亚昆士兰大学国际交流奖学金;赴美国佐治亚理工学院David Sholl 教授(佐治亚理工、化工生物学院经理)的课题组交流访问。
2018年10月,以重庆市高层次人才、ylzzcom永利总站线路检测“百人计划”学者身份引进加入ylzzcom永利总站线路检测。近年来在Cell Press旗下期刊 iScienc, Chemical Engineering Journal, Carbon、 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Chemical Engineering Science等国内外权威刊物及学术会议上发表相关研究论文40余篇。 授权专利2项,完成技术成果转化1项(89万元);担任SCI期刊DeCarbon编委,Molecules 客座编辑。先后主持国家自然科学基金、军工横向、重庆市面上项目等10余项,总经费近300万元。
2006.9-2010.6, ylzzcom永利总站线路检测动力工程学院,本科
2010.6-2012.9, ylzzcom永利总站线路检测动力工程学院,硕士
2012.10-2016.4, The University of Queensland,博士
2016.5-2018.10 The University of Queensland,博士后
2018.10 至今 ylzzcom永利总站线路检测,研究员/博导
(1)主持,ylzzcom永利总站线路检测“百人计划”中央高校项目;2018.10-2024.10 ;项目经费100 万元;
(6)主持,2021-2023 重庆市面上全额资助 “超低温余热深度利用的膜渗透热压转化能级提升机制”,项目经费10万元;
(7)主持,2021-2022 中央高校前沿基础交叉专项“膜渗透热压转化的低温余热能级提升机制”;项目经费17万元;
[1] Y. Su, L.Liu*, X. Gao et al. A High-Efficient and Salt-Rejecting 2D Film for Photothermal Evaporation, iScience (Available online 13 July 2023, 107347)
[2] J. Song, L.Liu* and S. Cai, Water desalination through FAU zeolite studied by using molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023, 380, 121683.
[3] T. Xiao, L.Liu*, C.Liu et al. Integration of desalination and energy conversion in a thermo-osmotic system using low-grade heat: Performance analysis and techno-economic evaluation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 223, 120039.
[4] L. Xin, W Yu, C. Liu, L.Liu*, S. Wang, X. Li, Y. Liu, Thermal stability of a mixed working fluid (R513A) for organic Rankine cycle, Energy, 2023, 263, 126131
[5] J.S Song, Z. Zhu and L. Liu*, Mechanism of Hexane Displaced by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: Insights from Molecular Simulations, Molecules, 27, 8340
[6] Q. Wang, J. Song, X. Gao, L. Liu*, C. Liu Carbon nanotube membranes for the separation of Li+ and Mg2+ ions: Effect of functional groups with charges, Desalination, 2022, 540, 115996.
[7] J. Song, L. Liu* and Y. Hong, High Interfacial Resistances of CH4 and CO2 Transport Through Metal-Organic Framework 5 (MOF-5), Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 301, 121895.
[8] J. Cao, L. Liu*, C. Liu and C. He, Phase transition mechanisms of paraffin in waxy crude oil in the absence and presence of pour point depressant, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 345, 2022, 116989.
[9] J. Song, C. Liu and Lang Liu*, Interfacial resistance of gas transport through rigid and flexible zeolites, Separation and Purification Technology, 278, 2021, 119529
[10] X. Gao, Zhi Li, Cheng Chen, Chao Da, Lang Liu*, Sen Tian, Guozhao Ji, The Determination of Pore Shape and Interfacial Barrier of Entry for Light Gases Transport in Amorphous TEOS-Derived Silica: A Finite Element Method, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 2021,4804-4812.
[11] Zhizhong Lin, Lang Liu*, Chao Liu and Yang Liu, Optimal Performance of Nanoporous Carbons on Adsorptive Separation of CO2 from Flue Gas, Energy & Fuels,35, 2021 ,8086-8080
[12] Zhizhong Lin, Lang Liu*, Chao Liu and Xuechao Gao, Adsorptive separation of Xe/Kr using nanoporous carbons in the presence of I2 and CH3I, Separation and Purification Technology, 275, 2021, 119161
[13] Jiasheng Song, Lang Liu*, Qibin Li, ChaoLiu and Fenhong Song, Entrance resistance of water transport into carbon nanotubes: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 331,2021,115739
[14] Qin Wang, Lang Liu*, Chao Liu and Xuechao Gao, Size Effect in Determining the Water Diffusion Rate in Carbon Nanotubes, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 334, 2021,116034
[15] Qin Wang, Lang Liu*, Chao Liu and Yang Liu, Exchange Dynamics of Molecules at the Fluid-Solid Interface Determining the Diffusion Rate in Nanopores, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 335,2021 ,116030
[16] Lin Z.Z., Liu C., Liu L.*, He D. L. and Zhang Y*, Unprecedentedly High Selective Adsorption of Xe/Kr Mixtures in Carbon Nanotubes: A Molecular Simulation Study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 393, 124744.
[17] Song, F.; Niu, H.; Fan, J.; Chen, Q.; Wang, G.; Liu, L.*, Molecular dynamics study on the coalescence and break-up behaviors of ionic droplets under DC electric field. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020, 312, 113195.
[18] Duan D., Lei. H., Wang Y., Ruan R., Liu Y., Ding L., Zhang. Y* and Liu L.*, Renewable phenol production from lignin with acid pretreatment and ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 231,331-340
[19] Liu L.* and Bhatia S. K.* Influence of Morphology on Transport Properties and Interfacial Resistance in Nanoporous Carbons, J. Phys. Chem. C. 2019, 123, 21050-21058
[20] Liu L., Nicholson, D., Bhatia, S.K. Effects of Adsorption Affinity and Porosity on Interfacial Resistance in Carbon Nanotube Membranes. ACS Applied Material and Interfaces. 2018,10, 34706-34717.
[21] Liu L., Nicholson, D., Bhatia, S.K. Exceptionally high performance of charged carbon nanotube arrays for CO2 separation from flue gas. Carbon. 2017, 125, 245-257.
[22] Liu L., Nicholson, D., Bhatia, S.K. Inhibitory Effect of Adsorbed Water on the Transport of Methane in Carbon Nanotubes. Langmuir. 2017, 35, 6280-6291.
[23] Liu L., Nicholson, D., Bhatia, S.K. Interfacial Resistance and Length-Dependent Transport Coefficients in Carbon Nanotubes. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2016, 120, 26363-26373.
[24] Liu L., Nicholson, D., Bhatia, S.K. Impact of H2O on CO2 Separation from Natural Gas: Comparison of Carbon Nanotubes and Disordered Carbon. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2015, 119,407-419.
[25] Liu L., Nicholson, D., Bhatia, S.K. Adsorption of CH4 and CH4/CO2 Mixtures in Carbon Nanotubes and Disordered Carbons: A Molecular Simulation Study. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2015, 121, 268-278.
[26] Liu L. and Bhatia, S. K. Molecular Simulation of CO2 Adsorption in the Presence of Water in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2013, 117, 13479-13491.
[27] Lin Zhizhong, Liu Lang *, Liu Chao, molecular simulation study on adsorption separation of CO2/N2 mixture by carbon nanotubes, 工程热物理学报, 42(6), 2021
[28] Song Jiasheng, Liu Lang *, Liu Chao, study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the entrance interface of carbon nanotubes.工程热物理学报. 42(7), 2021