刘娟芳 1976-,博士、副教授、硕士生博士生导师;2003.12留校任教;2005.05俄罗斯门捷列夫化工大学学术交流;2008.08-2010.09 日本北海道大学流体机械专业博士研究员;2011.03-2011.06 美国威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校机械学院访问学者。长期从事平衡与非平衡热力学理论及应用、复杂流体多尺度高效能质传递与转换、微纳尺度颗粒低温喷射直写等方面的教学与科研工作。
(1) Juanfang Liu*; Zibin Xu; Xueqing Zhang; Thermodynamics investigation on one novel combined cycle based on the electrogasdynamic generator, Energy, 2020, 198(1): 117277-1
(2) Juanfang Liu*, Sikai Chen, Min Gan, Qinghua Chen, Heat transfer and flow resistance characteristics inside an innovative vortex enhanced tube, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018,144 :702–710 (3) Sikai Chen, Juanfang Liu*, Huiying Chen, Qinghua Chen, Thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the fluid inside the innovative vortex-shaped tubes with the different geometrical parameters, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,146: 588-599.
(4) Jun Song, Juanfang Liu*, Qinghua Chen, Kepin Li, Effect of the Shape Factor on the Cold-Spraying Dynamic Characteristics of Sprayed Particles, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2017, 26 (8):1851–1858. Z (5) iyunChen, Juanfang Liu*, QinghuaChen, XiaogangWei, JunSong, Effect of heat addition on the electrogasdynamic flow and thermodynamic cycle efficiency, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017,121:67-73.
(6) Xueqing Zhang, Qinghua Chen, Juanfang Liu*, Steady characteristics of high-speed micro-gas journal bearings with different gaseous lubricants and extreme temperature difference, Journal of Tribology,2017,,139(2):02170301-7.
(7) Kun Wang, Juanfang Liu*, Qinghua Chen, Palladium clusters deposited on the heterogeneous substrates, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 376:105-112.
(8) Chuang Zhang, Qinghua Chen, Juanfang Liu*, Wenyong Tang, Kun Wang, Jun Song, Numerical study on the effect of the cold powder carrier gas on powder stream characteristics in cold spray, Surface & coatings technology, 2016, 294: 177-185.
(9) Xueqing Zhang, Qinghua Chen, Juanfang Liu*, Hydrodynamic behaviors of the gas-lubricated film in wedge-shaped microchannel, Journal of Tribology, 2016, 138: 031701-10.
(10) Xueqing Zhang, Qinghua Chen, Juanfang Liu*, Behaviors of the wedge-shaped gas-lubricated film using the finite difference lattice Boltzmann method, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2016, 230(12): 1542–1553.