李建波 博士,ylzzcom永利总站线路检测副教授、博士生导师,2023-2024学年度ylzzcom永利总站线路检测先进工作者。《发电技术》期刊青年编委、《电力学报》循环流化床发电编委会委员。目前从事循环流化床燃烧技术、高碱煤清洁高效利用和氢/氨燃料的燃烧等基础科学和工程应用研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、面上项目1项、国家重点研发计划子课题1项,以及头部企业合作项目累计10余项;发表SCI/EI论文60余篇、授权专利3项,参编英文专著1部;讲授重庆市重点课程《热工过程自动控制原理及系统》、ylzzcom永利总站线路检测研究生重点课程《工程伦理》以及《专业英语》等本硕课程。
2012.09-2017.03 澳大利亚西澳大学博士研究生,导师 张东柯 教授/院士
2011.07-2012.09 ylzzcom永利总站线路检测动力工程学院研究生,导师 卢啸风 教授
2007.07-2011.09 ylzzcom永利总站线路检测动力工程学院本科
2019.09-至今 ylzzcom永利总站线路检测,副教授
2017.03-2019.08 ylzzcom永利总站线路检测,讲师
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目-高碱固体燃料循环流化床燃烧过程床料颗粒粘性演变机理及其团聚特性(52176101),主持;
2. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题-宽负荷调峰下气固流态演变与炉内均匀性调控研究,子课题负责人;
3. 横向项目-新疆高碱煤CFB锅炉传热研究,主持;
4. 横向项目-循环流化床协同处置油基岩屑项目,主持;
5. 横向项目- 600MW CFB锅炉掺烧高碱煤关键技术研究,主研人。
6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目-高钠准东煤在循环流化床燃烧中的受热面沾污结渣和床料烧结特性研究,主持;
7. 一般纵向-循环流化床锅炉底渣冷却新技术研发及应用,主持;
8. 重庆市留学回国人员创业创新支持计划创新资助项目,主持;
9. 宁夏大学省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室开放课题,2018/1/1-2019/12/31,主持;
10. 横向课题-电站燃煤CFB锅炉高温受热面酸腐蚀特性研究,主持;
11. 横向课题-含碳废弃物小试实验研究,主持;
12. 横向课题-Establishing Operation Standard of Bed Material to Prevent Agglomeration in Samcheok CFB Boiler,主持;
13. 横向课题-储能电站热管理项目,主持;
14. 横向课题-300MW亚临界锅炉低负荷水动力安全校核研究,主持;
15. 横向课题- CFB锅炉机组节能减排应用技术研究,主持;
16. 横向课题-角管锅炉水动力计算及软件开发研究,主持;
17. 十三五”国家科技攻关重大项目-600MW超临界循环流化床锅炉、超临界CFB锅炉物料平衡与超高炉膛内的气固流动,参与。
1. Xiaofei Long, Jianbo Li*, Qi Wu, Xiaofeng Lu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Dongfang Li, Chung-Hwan Jeon, Dongke Zhang, Inhibiting agglomeration of bed particles in CFB burning high-alkali fuel: Experiment, mechanisms and criteria for recirculating bottom ash or selecting alternative bed materials. Energy, 2024, 130026.
2. Zipeng Guo, Jianbo Li*, Yintang Liang, Xiaofei Long, Xiaofeng Lu, Dongke Zhang, A numerical simulation study into the effect of longitudinal and transverse pitch on deposition of Zhundong coal ash on tube bundles. Processes, 2024, 12(1): 178.
3. Zhonghao Dong, Xiaofeng Lu *, Rongdi Zhang, Jianbo Li, Zhaoliang Wu, Zhicun Liu, Yanting Yang, Quanhai Wang, Yinhu Kang, Methods and Applications of Full-Scale Field Testing for Large-Scale Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers. Energies, 2024, 17(4), 889
4. Xiaofei Long, Jianbo Li*, Xiaofeng Lu, Kai Zhang, Dongke Zhang, An Experimental Investigation into the Effect of Sodium Salts on Quartz Particle Agglomeration and Bed Defluidisation in a Bubbling Fluidised Bed. Powder Technology, 2023, 426, 118633.
5. Jianbo Li*, Xiaofei Long, Hongyan Zhu, Zhuo Liu, Xiaofeng Lu and Dongke Zhang, Investigation into the fusibility of biomass ashes and their mineral phase transformations at elevated temperatures by using the HT-XRD technique. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2023,173,106812.
6. Xiaofei Long, Jianbo Li*, Jiarui Yuan, Xiuqi Shu, Xiaofeng Lu, Effect of Heat-treatment Temperature and Atmosphere on Physiochemical Properties and Oxidation Behaviour of A Chinese Lignite, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2023, 148, 6035–6045.
7. Yintang Liang, Jianbo Li*, Xiaofei Long, Xiaofeng Lu, Dongke Zhang, A Numerical Simulation Study of Ash Deposition in a Circulating Fluidized Bed During Zhundong Lignite Combustion, Fuel, 2023, 333, 126501.
8. Xiaofei Long, Jianbo Li*, Hongjian Wang, Yintang Liang, Xiaofeng Lu and Dongke Zhang, The Morphological and Mineralogical Characteristics and Thermal Conductivity of Ash Deposits in a 220 MW CFBB Firing Zhundong Lignite, Energy, 2023, 263, 125842.
9. Zhongzhi Yang, Xiaofeng Lu*, Zhonghao Dong, Rongdi Zhang, Jiayi Lu, Jiayi Jue, Baosheng Meng, Quanhai Wang, Yinhu Kang, Jianbo Li, Investigation on lateral dispersion characteristics of fuel particles in dense phase zone of a large-scale circulating fluidized bed boiler under combustion conditions, Particuology, 2023, 78: 62-72.
10. Jiacheng Wang, Ruilin Wang, Yang Geng, Yanjin Li, Jianbo Li, Jing Qiu, Meng Li*, Activated pulverized coal membrane for effective solar-driven interfacial evaporation and desalination, Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 265, 118248.
11. Zhuo Liu, Jianbo Li*, Xiaofei Long, Xiaofeng Lu, Mechanisms and characteristics of ash layer formation on bed particles during circulating fluidized bed combustion of Zhundong lignite. Energy, 2022, 245, 123313.
12. Zhuo Liu, Jianbo Li*, Xiaofei Long, and Xiaofeng Lu, Effect of Steel Slag Bed Material on Ash Deposition and Na Migration in Circulating Fluidized Bed during Zhundong Lignite Combustion. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 17(3), e2773.
13. Zhuo Liu, Hanlin Cheng*, Qiujian Le, Rui Chen, Jianbo Li*, and Jianyong Ouyang*, Giant Thermoelectric Properties of Ionogels with Cationic Doping. Advanced Energy Materials, 2022, 12, 2200858.
14. Zhuo Liu, Hanlin Chen*, Hao He, Jianbo Li*, Jianyong Ouyang*, Significant Enhancement in the Thermoelectric Properties of Ionogels through the Solid Network Engineering, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32(7): 2109772.
15. Zhongzhi Yang, Xiaofeng Lu, Jiayi Lu, Jianbo Li, Quanhai Wang, Yinhu Kang, Zhonghao Dong, Rongdi Zhang, Jiayi Jue, BaoshengMeng, Investigation on the internal and external solid flow rates in large-scale circulating fluidized bed with different layouts of suspended heating surfaces. Powder Technology, 2022, 408, 117752.
16. Shengwei Xin, Hu Wang, Jianbo Li, Gang Wang, Peiqing Cao, Quanhai Wang, Peng Zhang, Xiaofeng Lu, Discussion on the Feasibility of Deep Peak Regulation for Ultra-Supercritical Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler, Energies, 2022, 15(20),7720.
17. Xiuqi Shu, Jianbo Li*, Mingming Zhu, Zhuo Liu, Xiaofeng Lu, Zhezi Zhang, and Dongke Zhang, An Experimental Investigation into Bed Particle Agglomeration and Ash Deposition during Circulating Fluidized Bed Gasification of Zhundong Lignite, Journal of the Energy Institute, 2021;96:192-204.
18. Zhuo Liu, Jianbo Li*, Mingming Zhu Xiaofeng Lu, Zhezi Zhang, and Dongke Zhang, Effect of Oil Shale Semi-coke Addition on Ash Deposit Mineralogy and Morphology on Probes in the Flue Path of a Circulating Fluidized Bed Burning Zhundong lignite, Frontiers in Energy, 2021;15:26-37.
19. Hua Nie, Jianbo Li*, Yi Zhang, Qingcai Liu, Quanhai Wang, Xiaofeng Lu, Numerical Simulation on Gas-solid Flow Characteristics and NOx Formation of a Full-scale Dual Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2020
20. Xiong Zheng, Xiaofeng Lu*, Jianbo Li, Quanhai Wang, Yinhu Kang, Zhonghao Dong, Xvchen Fan, Zhuo Liu, Yi Zhang, Zhongzhi Yang, Xiaofei Long, A novel thin-layer ash reciprocation heat recovery system for bottom ash from circulating fluidized bed boilers: Experimental study, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021,183,116147
21. Xuchen Fan, Xiaofeng Lu*, Hua Nie, Quanhai Wang, Yinhu Kang, Shuwei Liu, Xiong Zheng, Zhuo Liu, Yi Zhang, Xiaofei Long, Jianbo Li, An experimental study of a novel dew point evaporative cooling tower based on M-cycle, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021,190,116839
22. Zhuo Liu, Jianbo Li*, Mingming Zhu, Fangqin Cheng, Xiaofeng Lu, Zhezi Zhang, and Dongke Zhang. An experimental investigation into the effect of flue gas recirculation on ash deposition and Na migration behaviour in circulating fluidized bed during combustion of high sodium Zhundong lignite. Fuel Processing Technology, 2020, 199, 106300.
23. Zhuo Liu, Jianbo Li*, Mingming Zhu, Fei Wang, Xiaofeng Lu, Zhezi Zhang, and Dongke Zhang. An Experimental Investigation into Ash Deposition and Na Migration Characteristics during Combustion of High Sodium Zhundong Lignite in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Operating at Low Temperatures. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34 (1), 188-198.
24. Xiuqi Shu, Jianbo Li*, Zhuo Liu, Quanhai Wang, Xiaofeng Lu, Effect of atmosphere and temperature on syngas production during gasification of Zhundong lignite or water washed Zhundong lignite in a fixed bed reactor, Chemical papers, 2020, 74 (2), 555-569.
25. Xuanyu Ji, Weijian Lin, Hui Yan, Shunhong Lin, Yu Yang , Ye Tian, Ming Xu, Yinhu Kang, and Jianbo Li, An Experimental and Simulation Investigation into the Energy Balance and Material Balance Characteristics in a Fluidized Bed Heat Exchanger, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020,178,115519
26. Zhuo Liu, Jianbo Li*, Mingming Zhu, Quanhai Wang, Xiaofeng Lu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Zhezi Zhang, and Dongke Zhang. Investigation into Scavenging of Sodium and Ash Deposition Characteristics during Co-combustion of Zhundong Lignite with an Oil Shale Semi-coke of High Aluminosilicate in a Circulating Fluidized Bed, Fuel, 2019, 251
27. Zhuo Liu, Jianbo Li*, Mingming Zhu, Quanhai Wang, Xiaofeng Lu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Zhezi Zhang, and Dongke Zhang, Morphological and Mineralogical Characterisation of Ash Deposits during Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion of Zhundong Lignite, Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33, 2122-2132.
28. Zhuo Liu, Jianbo Li*, Quanhai Wang, Xiaofeng Lu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Mingming Zhu, Zhezi Zhang, and Dongke Zhang, An Experimental Investigation into Mineral Transformation, Particle Agglomeration and Ash Deposition during Combustion of Zhundong Lignite in a Laboratory-Scale Circulating Fluidized Bed, Fuel, 2019, 243, 458-468.
29. Jiguang Zhang, Jianbo Li*, Mingming Zhu, Zhezi Zhang, Baozhong Zhou, Guoqing Shen, Dongke Zhang, A phenomenological investigation into potassium migration and ash sintering characteristics during p.f. combustion of lignites with and without K2CO3 addition, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,148, 64-77
30. Zhezi Zhang, Mingming Zhu, Jianbo Li, Kai Zhang, Guoqing Shen, Gang Xu, Xianchun Li, Dongke Zhang, Effect of Heat Treatment on the Combustion Characteristics of a Lignite, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2019, 141, 070705
31. Jin Yan, Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang, Yinhu Kang, Jianbo Li, Zhen Xu, Xiujian Lei, Xiong Zheng, Xuchen Fan, Zhuo Liu, Study on the influence of secondary air on the distributions of flue gas composition at the lower part of a 600 MW supercritical CFB boiler, Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 196
32. Jie Xu, Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang, Wenqing Zhang, Xiong Xie, Sicong Sun, Jianbo Li, Visualization of gas-solid flow characteristics at the wall of a 60-meter-high transparent CFB riser, Powder Technology, 2018, 336, 180-190.
33. Sicong Sun, Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang, Jianbo Li, Xiong Xie, Investigation on heat exchange feasibility of internal solids circulation for an ultra-supercritical CFB boiler, Powder Technology, 2018, 339, 223-231.
34. Ye Chen, Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang, Sida Chen, Jie Xu, Yu Yang, Jianbo Li, Experimental Study on the Heat-Transfer Characteristics of a 600 MW Supercritical Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler, Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32, 1-9.
35. Ye Chen, Xiaofeng Lu, Wenqing Zhang, Quanhai Wang, Sida Chen, Xuchen Fan, and Jianbo Li, An experimental study on the hydrodynamic performance of the water-wall system of a 600 MW supercritical CFB boiler. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 141, 280-287.
36. Yu Yang, Quanhai Wang, Xiaofeng Lu, Jianbo Li, Zhuo Liu, Combustion behaviors and pollutant emission characteristics of low calorific oil shale and its semi-coke in a lab-scale fluidized bed combustor, Applied Energy, 2018, 211, 631-638.
37. Zhezi Zhang, Mingming Zhu, Jianbo Li, Kai Zhang, Gang Xu, and Dongke Zhang, Experimental Study of Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Single Particles of Zhundong Lignite, Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32, 4221-4226.
38. Jianbo Li, Mingming Zhu, Zhezi Zhang, Kai Zhang, Guoqing Shen, and Dongke Zhang, Effect of coal blending and ashing temperature on ash sintering and fusion characteristics during combustion of Zhundong lignite, Fuel, 2017, 195, 131-142.
39. Jiguang Zhang, Jianbo Li, Yandong Mao, Jicheng Bi, Mingming Zhu, Zhezi Zhang, Li Zhang, and Dongke Zhang, Effect of CaCO3 addition on ash sintering behaviour during K2CO3 catalysed steam gasification of a Chinese lignite. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 111, 503-509.
40. Zhezi Zhang, Mingming Zhu, Yang Zhang, Hendrix Y Setyawan, Jianbo Li, and Dongke Zhang, Ignition and combustion characteristics of single particles of Zhundong lignite: Effect of water and acid washing. Proceedings of the combustion institute, 2017, 36(2), 2139-2146
41. Jin Yan, Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang, Yinhu Kang, Jianbo Li, Jinliang Zhou, Yi Zhang, Zhuo Lv, Sicong Song, Experimental and numerical study on air flow uniformity in the isobaric windbox of a 600 MW supercritical CFB boiler. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 122, 311-321
42. Yangfan Song, Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang, Jianbo Li, Sicong Sun, Xiong Zheng, Fan Yang, Xuchen Fan, Experimental study on gas-solid flow characteristics in an internally circulating fluidized bed cold test apparatus, Advanced Powder Technology, 2017, 28(9), 2102-2109
43. Jianbo Li, Mingming Zhu, Zhezi Zhang, Kai Zhang, Guoqing Shen, and Dongke Zhang, Characterisation of ash deposits on a probe at different temperatures during combustion of a Zhundong lignite in a drop tube furnace. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 144, 155-163.
44. Jianbo Li, Mingming Zhu, Zhezi Zhang, and Dongke Zhang, A new criterion for determination of coal ash sintering temperature using the pressure-drop technique and the effect of ash mineralogy and geochemistry. Fuel, 2016, 179, 71-78.
45. Jianbo Li, Mingming Zhu, Zhezi Zhang, Kai Zhang, Guoqing Shen, and Dongke Zhang, The mineralogy, morphology and sintering characteristics of ash deposits on a probe at different temperatures during combustion of blends of Zhundong lignite and a bituminous coal in a drop tube furnace. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 149, 176-186.
46. Xuanyu Ji, Xiaofeng Lu, Xiaolei Xue, Honghao He, Quanhai Wang, and Jianbo Li,Development on a small scale industrial CFB boiler with an evaporating loop seal. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 36, 464-471.
1. 罗勇军,李建波*,朱红燕,生物质合成灰的烧结熔融特性和矿物转变规律实验研究,发电技术,2024 (已录用);
2. 龙潇飞,李建波*,郭子鹏,袁家睿,张圆圆,王虎,王泉海,卢啸风,添加石灰石对准东煤CFB燃烧过程床料团聚和受热面积灰的影响,中国电机工程学报,2024;(已录用)
3. 袁家睿,李建波*,龙潇飞,卢啸风,王泉海,废轮胎热解半焦的单颗粒燃烧特性实验研究,燃烧科学与技术,2023, 29(1):119-126;
4. 张戎迪,卢啸风,王学深,甘政,宗琛,杨中智,董中豪,李建波,王泉海,亢银虎,大型循环流化床锅炉变负荷运行时给煤延迟特性研究,热力发电. 2023,52(09): 39-47
1. 何自聪,卢啸风,王学深,甘政,郑雄,董中豪,张戎迪,王泉海,亢银虎,李建波,循环流化床锅炉新型移动床冷渣器换热特性研究,电力学报,2022,37(6):494-506;
2. 李振中,李建波*, 员工互评在大学课程过程考核中的信效度研究, 大学教育, 2022, 4(01):240-244;
3. 刘卓,李建波*,龙潇飞,王泉海,卢啸风,循环流化床燃烧高钠准东煤的床料颗粒聚团特性,中国电机工程学报,2022,42(6):2248-2258;
4. 高新,王泉海,熊得杨,卢啸风,李建波,张戎迪,龙潇飞,张家宝,邹兴东,高汞煤循环流化床锅炉汞的迁移转化及飞灰吸附特性研究,热力发电,2022,51(4): 120-126;
5. 张家宝, 王泉海, 卢啸风, 李建波, 何自聪, 高新, 邹兴东,准东褐煤与柳枝稷在循环流化床掺烧过程中积灰及烧结特性试验研究,热力发电,2022,51(1): 150-158
6. 郑烨,张锴,李建波,关彦军,杨凤玲,程芳琴,准东煤和煤矸石共燃对灰熔融特性和钠元素释放行为影响,环境化学,2020,39(8): 2112-2119;
7. 郑烨,李建波,张锴*,关彦军,杨凤玲,程芳琴,酸性氧化物和酸碱比对煤灰熔融行为影响,化工进展,2020,39(9): 3617-3625;
8. 郑烨,李建波,关彦军,杨凤玲,张锴*,程芳琴,碱性氧化物对煤灰熔融特征行为的影响,化工进展,2020,39(2):496-505;
9. 陈子曦,王庆,王泉海,雷云红,李建波,贾益,亢银虎,卢啸风,富氧低NOx稳燃技术在300 MW煤粉锅炉机组灵活性调峰中的应用,2020,26(4): 134-139;
10. 陈子曦,卢啸风*,范会勇,龙潇飞,范立元,刘世荣,王泉海,李建波,亢银虎, 大型循环流化床锅炉钟罩式风帽流化特性试验研究, 热力发电, 2020,49(5):50-57
11. 郑越,卢啸风*,杨文奇,范立元,王泉海,严谨,杨振国,张正,李建波,亢银虎,不同返料偏差下大型CFB 锅炉炉内颗粒浓度分布特性的数值模拟,中国电机工程学报, 2020,40(3):548-858
12. 王泉海*,朱汉成,范会勇,陈子曦,郑雄,郑越,严谨,范立元,刘世荣,周源,李建波,亢银虎,卢啸风, 亚临界300 MW CFB 锅炉布风均匀性实炉试验,热力发电, 2020, 46(6):15-19.
13. 杨帆,郑雄,李建波,王泉海,薛景文,陆凯,卢啸风*,下行移动床颗粒流动特性冷模试验研究,洁净煤技术,2019,25(2):89-95
14. 郭强,王泉海*,卢啸风,李建波,徐杰, 大型CFB 锅炉并联布置分离器烟气流动特性的数值模拟, 中国电机工程学报, 2019,39(13):3851-3858
15. 严谨,卢啸风,王泉海,李建波,李瑞欣,雷秀坚,陈晔,刘昌旭, 600MW 超临界CFB 锅炉炉内稀相区燃烧均匀性的实炉试验研究, 中国电机工程学报, 2018,38(2):397-405
16. 范旭宸,陈晔,郑雄,王泉海,李建波,卢啸风, 600MW超临界循环流化床锅炉水冷壁热应力分析, 动力工程学报,2018,38(4):253-257
17. 贺曦,王泉海,卢啸风,李建波,田元, 75~130 t /h CFB 锅炉散热损失的实炉测试与计算分析, 研究与开发,2018,2:21-26
18. 张弋, 李建波*, 王泉海, 卢啸风. 新型双流化床炉内NOx生成特性数值模拟. 化工学报, 2018,69(4), 1703-1713.
1. Zipeng Guo, Jianbo Li*, et al. A Kinetic Study of Pyrolysis, Gasification and Combustion of Jincheng Anthracite using a Drop Tube Furnace Experimental technique and a Time-Resolved Particle Evolution Model Method. The 10th International Symposium on Coal Combustion (10th ISCC), August 06-09, 2023 Taiyuan, China.
2. Feiyu Long, Jianbo Li* et al. A Theoretical Approach to Predicting Ash-induced Bed Particle Agglomeration in Fluidized Bed. The 10th International Symposium on Coal Combustion (10th ISCC), August 06-09, 2023, Taiyuan, China.
3. Xiaofei Long, Jianbo Li* et al. An Experimental Investigation into the Effect of Sodium Salts on Quartz Particle Agglomeration and Bed Defluidisation in a Bubbling Fluidised Bed. The 5th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Bed Boom, July 26-29, Kunming, China.
4. Yintang Liang, Jianbo Li*, et al. A Numerical Simulation Study of Ash Deposition in a Circulating Fluidized Bed During Zhundong Lignite Combustion, The 5th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Bed Boom, July 26-29, Kunming, China.
5. Jianbo Li. How ash chemistry contributes to bed particle agglomeration and ash deposition: From bulk to local analysis (Keynote speech), The 5th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Bed Boom (CFBB), July 26-29, Kunming, China.
6. 李建波,燃高碱煤/生物质循环流化床锅炉底渣再循环运行标准研究,第二届循环流化床锅炉技术与工程应用创新发展论坛(邀请报告),2023年7月25-26日,昆明
7. 李建波, 循环流化床锅炉受热面积灰再认识-从灰化学和气固流动出发 第14期流化床锅炉技术高级研修班(邀请报告),2023年3月 贵州.
8. Jianbo Li, 高钠准东煤在循环流化床燃烧过程的积灰特性及缓解措施, 2022年燃煤电站生产运营管理第五十一届年会, (邀请报告).
9. Jianbo Li, 高碱金属燃料的灰熔融特性、矿物转变规律以及沉积特性, MDPI, 2022, (邀请报告).
10. Jianbo Li, Review on bed particle agglomeration in CFB, Nov.26-28, 2021, Chongqing & online. (大会报告).
11. Xiaofei Long, Jianbo Li, Zhuo Liu, Xiaofeng Lu and Dongke Zhang, A Fixed-bed Investigation into the Sodium Vapour - Quartz Interactions During Zhundong lignite Combustion, The 4th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler, Nov.26-28, 2021, Chongqing & online.
12. Jianbo Li, Bed particle agglomeration in circulating fluidized bed boiler burning high alkali fuels: from phenomenal observation to mechanism approach. The 3rd International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler, Nov.25-26, 2020, Busan & online. (大会报告)
13. Jianbo Li, Experimental investigation into ash deposition characteristics and mitigation strategies during PC and CFB combustion of high sodium lignite. The 6th International Seminar for Eco-Friendly Coal Power Generation, Nov 28-29th, 2019. Busan, Korea (大会报告)
14. Jianbo Li*, Zhezi Zhang, Jian Hao, Jiguang Zhang, Mingming Zhu, and Dongke Zhang Effect of K2CO3 addition on CO2 gasification characteristics and ash sintering behaviour of a Chinese lignite at different temperatures and pressures as examined using a High-Pressure Thermogravimetric Analyser 9th-ISCC, Qingdao, China, July 21-24, 2019
15. Zhuo Liu, Jianbo Li*, Mingming Zhu Xiaofeng Lu, Zhezi Zhang, and Dongke Zhang, Effect of Oil Shale Semi-coke Addition on Ash Deposit Mineralogy and Morphology on Probes in the Flue Path of a Circulating Fluidized Bed Burning Zhundong lignite, 9th-ISCC, Qingdao, China, July 21-24, 2019
16. Zhuo Liu, Jianbo Li*, Mingming Zhu, Xiaofeng Lu, Zhezi Zhang, and Dongke Zhang, Correlating Flue Gas Composition with Ash Deposit Mineralogy and Morphology during Combustion of Zhundong and its blends with an oil-shale semi-coke in a Circulating Fluidized Bed, 2nd CFBB, Qingdao, China, July 20-21, 2019
17. Jianbo Li*, Zhuo Liu, Zhuo Lv, Quanhai Wang, Xiaofeng Lu. Investigation into Gas-Solid Flow Characteristics in a Parallel Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion System for Burning High Alkali Zhundong lignite. The 23rd International Conference on Fluidized Bed Conversion, May 12-17th, 2018, Seoul, Korea (国际流化床会议).
18. Jianbo Li*, Mingming Zhu, Zhezi Zhang, Kai Zhang, Guoqing Shen, and Dongke Zhang.
Investigation into the Stratification and Chemistry Evolutions of the Ash Deposits during Combustion of Zhundong Lignite and its Blends in a Drop Tube Furnace. 6th Sino-Australian Symposium on Advanced Coal and Biomass Utilisation Technologies. Dec 4-8, 2017, Perth, Western Australia (第六届中澳先进煤与生物质利用技术国际会议).
19. 李建波*, 周金良, 王泉海, 范旭宸, 卢啸风. 白马600MW超临界CFB锅炉二次风扩散特性数值模拟. 2017年中国工程热物理学会学术会议, 扬州, 2017.
20. 李建波*,吕卓,王泉海,范旭宸,卢啸风. 纯燃准东煤并联循环流化床气固流动冷模试验研究. 2017年中国工程热物理学会学术会议, 扬州, 2017
21. Jianbo Li, Mingming Zhu, Zhezi Zhang, Kai Zhang, Guoqing Shen and Dongke Zhang Stratification and chemistry evolution of ash deposits during combustion of Zhundong lignite in a drop tube furnace, Energy Procedia, 2017. 105, 4216-4221 Otc 6-8th 2016, Beijing China (国际应用能源会议).
22. Jianbo Li, Mingming Zhu, Zhezi Zhang, and Dongke Zhang, Effect of Ashing Temperature on the Physicochemical Properties of Zhundong Lignite Ashes Prepared in a Muffle Furnace. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, 2016, Springer Singapore: Singapore. 133-138; July 20-22th 2015, Beijing China (第八届国际煤燃烧会议).
23. Zhezi Zhang, Mingming Zhu, Hendrix Setyawan, Jianbo Li and Dongke Zhang, An Experimental Study of Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Single Particles of Zhundong Lignite. The 8th International Symposium on Coal Combustion 2015 (第八届国际煤燃烧会议).
24. Jianbo Li, Jiguang Zhang, Zhezi Zhang, Mingming Zhu and Dongke Zhang, Effect of Ash Deposit Aging Temperature and Time on Ash Sintering Characteristics of an Indonesian Coal. Proceedings of The Australian Combustion Symposium 2013, 1, 112-115, Dec 6-8th 2013, Perth, Western Australia (澳大利亚燃烧会议).
25. Zhezi Zhang, Mingming Zhu, Setyawati Yani, Jianbo Li and Dongke Zhang, Effect of Temperature and Heating Rate in Pyrolysis on the Yield, Structure and Oxidation Reactivity of Pine Sawdust Biochar. Proceedings of Chemeca 2013, Australia.
26. Mingming Zhu, Wenxu Zhou, Zhezi Zhang, Jianbo Li and Dongke Zhang, Effect of Temperature on Pyrolysis Products of a Pine Sawdust in an Indirectly Fired Rotary Kiln. Proceedings of Chemeca 2013.